Boulder Liverpool
The latest updates in the development of the most exciting indoor climbing project to come to Liverpool!
Thursday, 12 May 2011
Friday, 28 January 2011
New Circuit
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Monday, 3 January 2011
Opening Day Info and flyer

Doors open at 12.00 on Saturday January 8th to Liverpool’s newest and best indoor climbing experience
All climbers will be entered into a free prize draw for Red Chilli and Wild Country goodies.
Finest Arabica coffee fresh from our traditional espresso machine, a selection of tea and tisanes and cold drinks will keep you hydrated and stimulated.
Delamere Delights decadent home baking, indulgent chocolate brownies, sumptuous carrot cake, fab flapjacks and fantastic fairy cakes will fuel the frolics!
And in the evening…
The Climbing Hangar launches the Project Circuit, a circuit set by a prominent British climber with a global CV of world class problems. The circuit will remain up for three months giving us all the chance to ‘project’ the problems outdoor style. Each setter will also do a talk and walk giving you some back ground on the problems, the training and the beta that unlocks the hardest moves. Tom Randall (on the cover of this months Climber Magazine) is our first guest setter.
General climbing will close at 7.30pm for Tom’s interactive circuit/lecture as he will take you round problems from V5 to V12 based on some of his global exploits and some British test pieces. He will be introducing you to what it took to climb them, demoing some moves and giving you the chance to pull and and get some beta for the problems.
The project will be based on the following climbs:
One Infinity F8b+ (Toms new sandstone boulder problem)
GreenSpit Italian 8c/9a? roof climb
Dynamics of Change Pete Whittakers new E9 rockover monster
Belly Full of bad Berries – the Utah offwidth insanity (2nd route on the video)
And the groove section from the Johnny Dawes technical masterpiece The Quarryman E8 6C (first ridiculous palming corner move)
Add some friendly staff, great music, sofa’s and a warm vibe and you have possibly the greatest indoor climbing experience in the universe! (we are biased)
p.s. the eagle eyed among you will notice that Tom's circuit has got easier to give a flavour of crack/groove madness to a broader cross section of society so that all people may love the crack!
Thursday, 30 December 2010
Just quickly - first set by Rob Napier and Dan (whose surname I have forgotten), regular Works/Foundry/Edge setters. All on immaculate white Bleaustone and Lapis holds. Shauna and James are currently 'testing them' I will have a little play later, the first problems - oooh I'm all giddy like a school girl (the stereotypically constantly giddy kind)
Opening events action
Ok, time to emerge from the stress hole and realise 'Oh, I'm opening a bouldering wall in under two weeks, probably best to let people in some knowledge!'
I am honestly sorry for being a seriously slack blogger, but hey, getting better.
Right here is what you need to know about your new wall
When - Saturday Jan 8th 12noon
Where 6 Birchall Street, L20 8PD (1KM north of Awesome Walls)or 3mins walk from Sandhills station of training it it.
What - a relaxed opening affair with a fully functional bouldering centre with Teas, proper coffee, homebaked beautiful cake action, and a range of bouldering circuits from V0- to V13
How - come to door, hand over money/debit card, enter building, go climbing. Cost for adult is £7, everyone else is cheaper, I am harassing my web man to complete the website although it is mainly my fault for not getting him all the info before xmas.
Prize draw - all people who come in to climb on Saturday will be entered into a prize draw to win approx £100 worth of Red Chilli gear, so if you're hardcore, perhaps some of those mint Matadors, newbies will be able to get shoes/chalk/bucket, everyone wins! (well only the winner really!)
Celebrity Circuit: Celeb culture is everywhere, its crass and undignified, but it seems this infection cannot be defeated, so lets jump on the bandwagon! Every three months we will have a leading climber come and set a super hard project circuit inspired by their fave problems from around the world. The circuits will go from 7b - 8b/+ giving everyone something to project. Our first 'celeb' is Tom Randall, Rab, Wild Country and Red Chilli make up his sponsors. Famous for being a crack climbing genius, bold as brass and just sending One Infinity (8b+). he is also the British Team manager and perhaps the most knowledgeable man in the universe on training for climbing. He will also be giving a short talk about the problems that have inspired our circuit and showing us some of his videos and photos to inspire, check him out here:
One Infinity
Email any questions to:
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Foam delivered

Foams delivered, 10 pallets of big blue bouncy stuff, 96 sheets of the stuff! foam covers also delivered, first set going up tomorrow - I'm going to have a bit of an upload session tomorrow and show the world the glory! In the mean time checks out yours truly as the model for some our initial promo shots, you know I think I'm a real natural in front of the camera, there could be a career out there for me, that real messy hair unshaven sort of look with a hint of not enough sleep for a number of weeks too, adds real character...
Your cue now is to say something like 'Ged, don't be silly, you look fresh as a daisy and I would kiss you...' Probably at at life time pass for the best esteem boosting comment!