I am so excited, we have an amazing building with real flexibility in what we can do inside. he access for car and non car people was a real key point and we are pleased with what we have found. The area available for climbing space should be about the same as The Works, so we really do have an amazing project lined up!
Key facts:
11,000 sqft
3 interconnected buildings
sub 3min walk from Sandhills train station (0.2miles)
6mins by train from central (£1.35 fare)
on site free parking
on road free parking
Bike shed
changing rooms and shower/s
So what can you see here? The exterior shot is one third of the building, it is the exterior of the interior shot with the small internal building on the left hand side.
To the right hand side of the exterior shot you can see the building we will be converting into a specialist young persons/families coaching area.
The other interior shot is a poor internal shot of our second building, this will be the second stage of the project to open, featuring some of the most exciting indoor bouldering concepts the UK has seen yet.
Finally is one of the ubiquitous Google maps showing really just how close we are to the train station.
It is clear there is a fair bit of aesthetic work to do the property, but that is of course secondary to filling the interior with enough quality bouldering to make you go all dizzy.
Now climbers of Liverpool, here comes the bit where we need you, we need letters of support to facilitate our planning application. It has been in for a wee while now, it was put together with plenty of consultation with the planners, it is not really controversial in anyway and should be okay, but my view is those forms took so long to fill (literally weeks of work) - that I never want to do it again, so a bit of help cannot harm! To save you hassle, tomorrow I am going to post the address of where to post it to, even write you a letter you can cut and paste and add your name too! Don't say I am not good to you!
So that is it for tonight, obviously post this blog to everyone in the Greater Liverpool area, conjure up all the support you can by writing in letters and persuading your other climber friends to follow suit - lets get us a wall that is the envy of everyone shall we?
Good to see things slowly moving forward!
ReplyDeleteHope it all gets through and you can get to work soon Ged. I'll be lending my support when the address is posted up for the application :)
Added to my facebook profile , hope to get as many people as possible to send a letter of support to the planners.
ReplyDeleteMy appreciation folks! All help is good help!
ReplyDeleteA question for Richie - is that Excalibur you are on in your profile pic? (does this make me one of those 'I can identify that rock' nerds?)
ReplyDeleteYeah well spotted! From a few years back. I remember overcrimping the grattons on the top out and bleeding through all fingertips as it was the last problem of a 10 day trip, 10th day on :)