Morning all! We had an engineer visit our site yesterday and check out our proposed designs and building - we now have what appears to be the verbal green light on our ideas! We are just waiting on the written report coming back to confirm the details, so this is brilliant progress and we all went out for a fried breakfast to celebrate, I know, totally unhinged party animals
As such, we are now looking around to make arrangements with people for help. We would like to find keen bouldering tradespeople who can exchange a few days work for passes, so i you know anyone or are anyone in the trades who would like to be involved, then fire off an email to so we can work something out.
I was also at the Kendal Outdoor Retail Show on Thursday looking to find us the very finest rock climbing products available to humankind and I was really pleased with the responses of some companies in offering to helping us get off the ground with a decent range of bouldering gubbins. A nod is due to Evolve and Scarpa and new kids on the block (at least in shoes) Edelrid for their patience in dealing with my questions. More news there as it happens.
If I can apologise for the delay in posting, I took the opportunity of there being a pause in the workload to go climbing, sorry to say folks, but it was roped, 7 days on at Kilnsey, with the overhang providing shelter so that despite there being some rain every day, I got to climb everyday. That said, after day three, the recovery function failed to kick in and my climbing became hopelessly feeble, enough excuses! I am re-chained to the computer and will not be leaving unless it is to t-nut a board or something!
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