Sunday, 10 October 2010

On the very cusp...

So it's been quiet on the blog front. My hands are up, my head is bowed, my body language spells apology. However the silence on the blog front normally indicates that I've been busy like a bee, a notoriously busy insect.

The problem is with the nature of the business that has been going on, is that it leaves very little to actually report, phrases like, 'we might have sourced some excellent bouldering matting' or we have finalised the interior designs on our scale plasticine model etc don't really convey the progress that is being made. The progress is always inching forward, inexorably towards the point where something definite happens. Every single step before the definite is simply a possibility, no matter how possible it seems, until it is signed, dated and binding, it is nothing. Little undermines a man more than a promise unfulfilled!

What I can say for definite is that we have entered a critical phase, within ten days we will make an announcement. What it will be depends on the outcome of various processes over the next week. I am however very positive, but then you need to be an eternal optimist to support the peseverence to survive the string of setbacks and problems that befalls any project of this nature.

Your patience, you willingness to come back here and check to see if anythign is happening, is appreciated and I hope to rewards you soon with seriously cracking facility.

Hold your breath...

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