Saturday, 4 December 2010

Staff team

Hello everyone!

What a week, goodness gracious, I am bushed!!! We have just finished our third day of interviews and seventeen strong candidates later, I'm whacked and need a kip. However we have earmarked our team but are going to sleep on it and see if we feel the same tomorrow (sure we will). I am super psyched now as the people we have provisionally selected were not only qualified but had a really good 'vibe' about them, a positive energy if you will that left me feeling - I cannot wait to start work!! When was the last time you heard some one say that?

I think a climbing wall is essentially a place that draws people and if it treats and cares for those people well you build a community where people feel welcome. Hell, you dont start a climbing business as a get rich strategy, its all about the love, the poeople and the lifestyle. Fingers crossed we can make it work - I we because I do mean you too, I may own and manange the wall and have shaped it thus far, but what you bring to it will shape its future and that I find really exciting - where will you take us?

Also included a pic of the arch - so much sick clamping problems to be set... and Crispin getting medievil on the steel work!

1 comment:

  1. All about the compression problems. The arch looks good!

    It's fair to say I'm quite excited :)
